Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | 1446 ربيع الثاني 19

Silver Jubilee Feedback

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Friends!
The MMERC Silver Jubilee and the 3-day International Seminar on Ulama, Muslim Youth and Contemporary Challenges with Special Reference to DELL Course and Post Madrasa Education dated 4, 5 and 6 October 2019 at the Madani Hall and the Constitution Club of India, New Delhi is over now. It has been a little hectic work schedule that I could not express gratitude to all highly acclaimed panelists, stalwart scholars as guests and the Silver Jubilee Organizing Committee members the previous evening. Now Al-Hamdulillah little relax, on board Mumbai bound train, and free to key in my sincere appreciations to all of you.
Thank you very much for your valuable time, encouraging words, companion-ship and hard-work to make the event as it was. To me the event was not as smooth as it was planned to be. We could not give enough time to our precious guests because we were late in starting the programs in all three days because of different reasons. We could do it better with existing manpower and available resources. To make it in one sentence I would say, all organizing committee members could not responded to their assigned work. Our 10 sub-committees were not functioning as was expected.
However, we are satisfied - Al-Hamdulillah, that it was not a disaster given the extremely bad weather hindrance just when we began actual execution in the evening on 3rd of October in Delhi and so many other factors which kept causing obstacles time and again. Today if we are traveling to Mumbai with the whole team being happy in a single train without hurting anybody psychology or emotionally (to our knowledge, if anyone got hurt unknowingly or unintentionally, we offer our deep apology now), without causing a negative media headlines, without causing a storm of debate with negativity on social media and apparently our elders, akabir Ulama, scholars, intellectuals and MMERC Alumni who attended the Program from across India and abroad expressed their happiness, then I think these are our achievements to cherish with for a long time.
A post Programe long meeting was held in the Jamiat Library on 6th October after Maghrib in the presence of active organizing committee members. A few important resolutions were taken in the meeting as future prospects for MMERC and it's alumni, which will be shared later by the concerned members - InShaAllah. I am confident that these resolutions were taken seriously and the members would work together to offer the ummah what they can as responsibility and not liability.
We again offer thank to Allah (swt) that because of His especial mercy and blessings only what little we could do was possible. We also wish to thank and offer deepest gratitude to our guests and panelists - Hazrat Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani Sb, Hazrat Qari Syed Usman Mansourpuri Sb, Maulana Syed Mahmood Madani Sb, Mr. Sirajuddin Ajmal Sb, Mufti Azizur Rahman Fatehpuri Sb, Dr Hussain Muqaddam Sb (UK), Maulana Hafiz Nadeem Siddiqui Sb, Maulana Syed Mustafa Refai Nadvi Sb, Maulana Matinul Haq Usama Qasmi Sb, Dr. Syed Farooq Sb, Maul. Ateeq Ahmad Bastawi Sb, Eng. Saleem Sb, Dr Shamsul Haq Chaudhury Sb, Mr. Manawar Zama Sb, Mr. Zia Us Salam Sb, Dr. Sead Anwar Sb, Dr. KM Baharul Islam Sb, Dr. Abdul Allam Mujibi Sb, Dr. Mohammad Akhtar Siddiqui Sb, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Sb, Dr. Moinuddin A Jinabade Sb, Mr. AU Asif Sb, Mr. Mujib Khan Sb, Dr. Zafarul Islam Khan Sb, Maul. Mahmood Ahmad Khan Daryabadi Sb, Dr. Shamsur Rab Khan Sb, Dr. Arshi Khan Sb, Dr. Maul. Mushtaq Ahmad Rashadi Sb, Maul. Shawkat Ali Qasmi Bastawi Sb, Mr. Mohammad Lateef Khan Sb, Adv. AS Tapadar Sb, Dr. Khasrul Islam Sb, Dr. Yousuf Azam Sb, Dr. Syed Misbahuddin Sb, Maul. Abdur Rahman Ajmal Sb and Mr. Fiasal Abdullah Sb. We thank all members of organizing committee for their day in and day out painstaking hard-working and especially the very active members who offered maximum time and energy, and we also thank our friends in Jamiat who tried their best. A special applaud and deep appreciation to some of our present MMERC students whom we saw working like BSF jawans on border at war zone, they remained hungry but fed their guests.
At the end I congratulate Markaz-e Islami for the splendid and sweeping victory in the 5th Inter-Dell NEC 2019. I feel it is a wonderful tribute to late Maul. Ismail Makrood (succumbed to a road accident this year at young age) who will be happy in the paradise today - InShaAllah. Congratulations to Fakhrul Ulama Hazrat Maulana Badruddin Ajmal Sb for being entitled as Fakhrul Ulama - The Pride of Ulama and Rafiqul Ulama Janab Umar Gautam Sb for getting the title of Rafiqul Ulama - The Companion of Ulama by the MMERC Alumni Community, during this Silver Jubilee Prog and the 3-Day International Seminar in Delhi. May Allah forgive us for our shortcomings, grant us taufiq to do better in future and accept our endeavors for here and hereafter--Aameen. Wassalam MB Qasmi Director: MMERC, Mumbai Date: 08 October, 2019